We had a nice visit with our friend, JB, this weekend. He came to work on a study with Steve for a few days and we had a good time taking some small hikes and eating out. The best part, though, was with Steve being busy, I was left to my own devices. This usually means trouble in the yard sense. The weather is starting to warm up ever so slightly, but it is still too cold to start pruning things back and planiting new stuff (except of course for a few cacti and succulents I got at Mesquite Valley Growers). Need proof? This was taken mere minutes ago. SNOW!

The cure? Terrariums! I made two little ones for the kitchen......

And then one for the bedroom.....

And then a super sweet one for our friends' housewarming gift.......
They were so much fun to make and the cats can't really get to them, so I am quite pleased.
I also worked this past week on some bathroom art. I ahd an idea in my head and ran with it. I frame was from a mirror I found at Goodwill last week. It was black, so I primed it and spray painted it with a white hi gloss paint. Because there was no glass, I decided to give it a paining look by gluing textured paper to a pices of cardbard and then gluing the other stuff on top. The fish and the collar were both things I found online. The mustache is all me. I covered everything wiht glue at the end to help along the painting look and to attept to seal it from the damp conditions of the bathroom.

I bet you can tell that my inspiration is the guy from the Muppets that throws fish, no?