We put an offer on the definite maybe house, so i guess it is more like amaybe definite house. The wet noodle submitted the bid today, and they need to respond one way or another by 1pm tomorrow. Here are some pictures. Keep your fingers crossed.
Front of the house
Front Room

Arizona Room. The laundry room is though the doors.

Bedroom #3. This used to be the garage.

The original two other bedrooms are identical and look like this.

Bathroom. Only one. The pink tile will have to go eventually, but at least it is in good shape.

BackYard. WAY too big. This will take some work.

Scweeet!!! Well done. I like the hand rails in the shower. So steve doesn't fall down after eating lots of delicious brisket from his new smoker that will fill the backyard.
I miss you! I can't wait to come visit!...if I ever make it out of New Orleans!
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