It really is grand. Although by our first impression, since Steve and I had never been there, it should be called Holy Shit Canyon. It is monsterous. And awesome. The geologist in me just wanted to run down the trail. But practicality stopped me. We were not prepared to do even the short loop. We didn't have enough water, or the right clothing/shoes, so we decided that we would come back again and be prepared for a hike. Flagstaff was fun. Nice and cool. Sedona was also pretty, but VERY hot. I brought knitting along, but didn't get to work on it because I did a lot of driving. Seems for the best though, because the small mistake on the Lotus Blossom Tank turned into an even bigger one when I tried to fix it, and I had to frog the whole thing. I am going to have to start all over. Grrrr. Enough with the words, here are the pictures......

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