So we are the white trash of the block. We have turned into the people who have all the weeds in their yard and the grass growing in the street. It is not that we want to be like this, but nature has turned against us. I tried to be nice. I tried to pull the weeds rather than using chemicals. I spent hours pulling them out. And then it rained, and they came back. I had to get more forceful, so I turned to Round-up. I spent more hours killing them. And then it rained, and they came back. With a vengence. This weekend the weeds in our backyard almost made it to the top of our fence. Our 6' fence. That's when Steve whacked them. And today it rained, and they came back. I give up.
In knitting news, I have FINALLY finished the l

Sweet! I'm not alone in my trials and tribulations with the Lotus. "A Lotus Flower. This is a symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth." Yeah, I "rebirthed" one row four times! There's a KAL for the lotus, if you're interested...btw I love the color!
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