Well folks, here is a sweater that I recently finished. I used some sort of cheapo cotton yarn from Joann's. I originally bought it for a sweater for my nephew, but it was a bit too thick and crappy. I decided to try out an idea I had, which was loosely based on the Glampyre mini sweater. At the risk of looking like a lard ass, here it is.

Pattern: General idea of Glampyre minisweater on top, minus the poofy sleeves, plus a k2 yo lace on the bottom. Knit in one piece.
Yarn: Crappy Joann cotton, maybe Peaches and Cream?
Needles: #8 Addi Turbo circulars
Date Started: April 27, 2007
Date Finished: May 5, 2007
Comments: I didn't do a swatch first. I thought that the cotton would shrink, so I made it a little big. It didn't shrink. Next time I will throw it in the dryer. The cotton SUCKED to knit with. I still have a blister on my right pinkie. I think I will make something similar in wool, but with long sleeves for the winter. Also, wasn't sure how I wanted to close it, so I didn't include a button hole. I currently am using a dancing cat pin, but that is so cliche/creepy with a hand-knit sweater. I need to find something better, like stick or a cocktail sword or something. I don't know. Obviously.
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