Our Christmas vacation started out forlorn, but ended up being fun. We were supposed to go home the Thursday before Christmas and spend the night downtown, go shopping, eat at Frontera Grill, and take the train home. Instead our flight was cancelled, we couldn't get out until Saturday, and ended up taking our extra day in Tucson comparing and contrasting the two rival casinos south of town: Desert Diamond (Tohono O'odham) and Casino del Sol/Casino of the Sun (Pasqua Yaqi). Let me tell you, the commercials are true. Desert Diamond really does have it all. Plus there were Tohono police SUVs out front, which confirmed by assertation to Steve that the Nation has its own government. Awesome. I win.
When we got in Saturday, Steve's parents and Katie picked us up. We went out to eat and then, because we were ready to rumble, to the Bulls game.

Christmas Eve was good. First we ate meat (beef tenderloin) at home, then we went to my mom's side and had more meat (meatballs, sausage, sopresatta, braciolle). I was also able to visit my Uncle Johnny's schnoggle, Missy.

The next morning we had the traditional breakfast at Steve's parents house. Bacon was the only meat consumed. Good thing dad then made lamb chops for dinner later that day. My colon was worried.
Jake liked his jumping jack that we got him for Christmas. Here is an action shot. It took 5 of us to blow the stupid thing up in their basement at the house in Michigan. I really want to go to Michigan in the summer. St. Joe's is really cute and they are about a 5 minute walk to the beach.

When we got back to Tucson, all the animals were safe and sound. The girls stayed at the house with a sitter. Rey stayed at our friend's house. He has fun there, but loves to be in his bed at home.

Knitting wise, I made a scarf for Katie and Karen, both of which I didn't take pictures. I forgot my camera in Tucson, hence all of the crazy camera phone pictures. I have also been working on the Hedera socks from Knitty. Slow going, but they fit, and that is all that matters.

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