To prove that it is cold enough for wearing gloves and scarves and hats, I present snow. Sunday night it snowed at least an inch. We didn't notice because we were watching the second playoff football game. WE were only clued in by a break in the game by the weather man. We went out Sunday night so Rey could play in the snow. Here he is making a dog angel.

And smelling a snowman in the park. Notice the real carrot nose. Those were some crafty snowman building people.

The next morning it was neat to see the snow on the palm trees in the park.

While all of that was going on outside, the bathroom was getting demolished inside. Day 1, John did demo. Notice the hole in the wall where a medicine cabinet had been. The people who were selling the house didn't even patch it. They just GLUED a mirror over it.

He also called at about 2:30 and said "So what do you think about a new tub?" Our cast iron one needed help, and we were going to get it reglazed, until he discovered that it had been painted with latex paint (similar to some of the pink tiles). What is wrong with people? Anyway, since we are down to the studs, we might as well replace the tub. A quick meeting with a plumber, and we were running and calling all over town to find a left draining tub. Pain in the ass. Wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to have it by tomorrow. Steve was able to get one this afternoon, so we are good, but it was touch and go for a while. Now after Day 2, we are officially without a sink, toilet, or tub. For days. Looks like I will have to inaugerate the 5-gallon bucket later.

1 comment:
That Rey is just the cutest!! I can't wait to see him in March. Also the pictures of the snow on the palm trees is pretty cool.
The bathroom looks just marvelous darling. I'm happy that you finally found a tub. It will be great to see it when it's all finished.
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